Monday, June 24, 2013

You believe Social Media is a powerful tool at present

 It is a powerful tool, because it allows people to communicate at a very intimate level. It was never there before. The closest thing we had was email back in the early '80s and '90s. We suddenly found out that we do not need to call anymore or send letters but we could send digital information. It was never personal by the way. We type something but we never know the recipient reads it.

 Now we have social media, where we call it an 'Opt-in' channel. You are not forced to be in there but if you are in it, you choose to obtain, which means you choose to receive and send. Now I can even contact President Barack Obama if we want to. We can follow him in my Twitter feed and make a suggestion to him. Somebody may see it and respond. In the past if we have ever sent a letter to the White House, they would just look at it and throw it away. Social media forces us to communicate better.


The other aspect of social media I like is that it is not there for just speaking or amplifying your voice but listening to it. Now we can look at my Twitter feed and find out what people say about my organization. So, if we work for Dell Computers, the moment we see five people complaining about a fault, we do not have to wait for them to call. All of a sudden we can raise the alarm for my team and say there is an issue here and we can assign them to go and fix it. Before the fault gets big, we can listen to them. Listening part of social media is huge. Most CEOs are scared about social media, because people are complaining about it and there is a big chatter about it. I am saying that is one-half of it. Think about the listening part. They have a way to know what people say, their competition, industry sector and the target audience. It is like an intelligence gathering organization.

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